INFINITI 14KW INSERT wt BLACK BORDER Livingstones Garden and Home


R36,995 incl VAT

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These units are higher heat out-put additions to our insert range. Like our smaller inserts they are designed to be built into a brick structure/chimney.

Traditionally wood stoves have two air control levers – one to control the primary air brought into the base of the fire – and one to control air brought into the top of the fire. This is to improve combustion efficiency, lower emissions into the atmosphere, and keep the door/glass clean and cool. There is some thought involved in how to adjust these controls correctly for best effect combustion.

Our 14 & 18 Kw single sided stoves utilise our 1 Touch Air Control. This single air control is located at the bottom of the door, where it is much cooler to the touch. It easily adjusts air flow in the correct proportions to the top, rear and base of the stove, to maximise efficiency and ensure clean burning – making these units much simpler to use than many other wood stoves.

Please note prices are subject to change and stock availability. All prices include VAT.
Heating capacity/Area 14 Kw: 560m³